Issue 105 - November 2020

California JPIA Recognizes Milestone Anniversary for Management Analyst Abraham Han
Members who have taken advantage of the Authority’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Financing Program likely recognize Management Analyst Abraham Han for his work to help their agencies comply with the ADA. Han commemorates five years of providing analytical support, managing technical resources, and coordinating programs for the Authority this month.
Han, who interned with the cities of Garden Grove and Villa Park, joined the Authority from the City of La Habra Heights, where he advanced his career from intern to management analyst to senior management analyst. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in public administration from California State University, San Bernardino.
“Because most of my local government experience has been with smaller cities, I am aware of the immense pressure that public servants feel in maximizing resourcefulness for their residents,” he said. “Having personally experienced this, I am attuned to how the Authority can be a tremendous help to agencies whose bandwidths are full because of lean staffing and multiple priority projects. Understanding those kinds of strains allows me to view the Authority’s programs and resources with a more focused understanding of the value proposition.”
Han’s first interaction with the Authority—then as a member agency staff member—occurred when he emailed Training Coordinator Michelle Aguayo with a training-related question. “I do not remember what the question dealt with, but I still clearly remember that I received a very fast and helpful response from Michelle,” he said. “I remember thinking that I would be ecstatic to work for an organization that had colleagues like Michelle.”
When the Authority posted a job opening on LinkedIn, he jumped at the opportunity to apply. And, as he said, the rest is history.
“One of the defining characteristics of Abe’s personality is the way he interacts with others,” said Assistant Executive Officer Norm Lefmann. “He treats everyone with dignity and respect, expressing his intellectual curiosity and drawing others out by asking insightful questions.”
Han is responsible for managing programs and resources that assist members in the areas of sidewalk maintenance, risk technician assignments, and law enforcement and fire manual and training updates. In recent years, he has been more involved in analyzing legislative action at the state level and informing members about key bills of interest by writing articles for the Authority’s monthly newsletter.
Abe also helps manage the ADA Financing Program, part of the Authority’s larger effort to help members make progress towards compliance with the ADA. The program provides members with the opportunity to obtain funding for ADA transition plan development or the removal of ADA-related barriers. Han manages the day-to-day administration of the program and makes sure the Authority is meeting member needs.
“Abe is the ultimate team player,” said Lefmann. “He is always looking for ways to do things better and to improve everything that we do.”
“The Authority treasures genuine relationships with people,” said Han. “My supervisor, Norm, and the executive management team encourage and empower me to express my opinions about what might be best for the Authority and our members. I realize that is an incredible level of trust, and that kind of support validates my ongoing belief that the Authority is a wonderful place to work.”
The Authority congratulates Abe on his five-year anniversary.
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