Issue 106 - December 2020

ADA Programs Update
by Abraham Han, Management AnalystOver the past few years, the Authority has made available programs aimed at helping members getting closer to achieving compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This effort began with the launch of the ADA Assistance Program in 2015, and it was further augmented by the launch of the ADA Financing Program in 2018. Both programs are available to all members, and they are briefly described below.
ADA Assistance Program
The Authority offers the ADA Assistance Program to members looking for a tangible first step towards compliance with the ADA. In order to incentivize members in this effort, the Authority provides an allowance to each participating member to help offset the cost of developing a current and complete ADA transition plan. Disability Access Consultants, an Authority business partner, works with members to conduct the assessments, inspections, and data collection needed to help develop the transition plan and evaluations.
If you are interested in participating in the ADA Assistance Program or have questions about the program, please contact your assigned regional Risk Manager.
ADA Financing Program
The Authority continues to accept applications for the third year of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Financing Program. Applications will be accepted until January 13, 2021. After this date, members will need to reapply during the next application cycle beginning in Fall 2021.
This program provides members with an opportunity to obtain funding that might otherwise be difficult to procure for either ADA transition plan development or the removal of ADA-related barriers.
Members selected to receive funds through the ADA Financing Program must repay the amount, plus interest, with level annual payments of principal and interest over a five-year term. Additional details regarding the requirements and terms of the program are outlined in the ADA Financing Program application.
The application (fillable PDF format) can be found here. It is recommended to download a copy of the application so that partial progress can be saved while completing the application. Members will be notified of their application status by March 10, 2021.
Members who are interested in the ADA Assistance Program but might not have the budgetary means to pursue the program may consider utilizing the low-interest financing of the ADA Financing Program to fund the transition plan development progress that the ADA Assistance Program offers.
For more information about either of the Authority’s ADA programs for members, please contact your assigned Risk Manager or contact Abraham Han, Management Analyst.
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