Issue 106 - December 2020

Newly Developed Online Workplace Harassment Prevention Courses
The Authority is proud to announce development of new online workplace harassment prevention courses for supervisors, local agency officials, and non-supervisory staff. These courses will replace the existing workplace harassment prevention online series during January and meet the California state requirements for harassment prevention training to be taken by all employees and elected officials every two years.
The course content for non-supervisory employees focuses on how to promote a respectful workplace and prevent sexual harassment, abusive conduct, and retaliation. In addition, employees’ roles in the complaint and investigation process are reviewed, including the roles of the claiming party, the accused party, potential witnesses, and co-workers.
The course content for supervisors and local agency officials focuses on how to promote a respectful workplace and prevent harassment based on legally protected categories including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, race, religious creed, as well as abusive conduct and retaliation. In addition, the supervisors’ roles in the complaint and investigation processes are reviewed.
For further information about these new online courses, or how to access them, please contact the Authority’s training team.
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