Issue 107 - January 2021

California JPIA Renews Civic Partnerships
Exercising its core value of teamwork, the California JPIA is committed to upholding relationships with its members and similarly minded organizations that support municipal agencies in California. The Authority leverages these connections to forge partnerships, address priority issues, and discuss risk management best practices with Authority members, prospective members, and business partners that share the Authority’s genuine interest in local government.
“The California JPIA is composed of not only informed risk management professionals, but also local government advocates with an authentic interest in collaborating with public agencies,” said Chief Executive Officer Jon Shull. “The Authority’s commitment to supporting local government throughout California sets us apart from other risk management resources.”
Organizations that the Authority is sponsoring this year include the California City Management Foundation, which advances the benefits of the contracting model and strengthens local control and governance; and the League of California Cities, which collaborates with city officials to enhance knowledge and combine resources to influence policy decisions. Additionally, the Authority sponsors the Municipal Management Association of Southern California, supporting professional development for local government leaders.
Sponsorships also provide an opportunity to support the professional development of, and learn alongside, member agency staff.
“The California JPIA is proud to provide learning opportunities for municipal managers and elected officials at all levels,” said Shull. “By supporting advocacy and professional organizations, the Authority is investing in the education and enrichment of decision-makers and helping develop well-informed leaders who support a healthy risk management culture in their organization.”
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