Issue 107 - January 2021

2021 Virtual Risk Manager Roundtables
By Ryan Thomas, Training and Loss Control SpecialistFor years, the California JPIA has hosted quarterly roundtables on various topics related to risk management. These roundtables have served as opportunities for members to learn about relevant topics and network with their peers, and to provide a forum for open discussion and dialogue on member issues. Typically, these two-hour roundtables are held at three locations: the California JPIA Campus in La Palma, a host member agency in the Central Coast, and a host member agency in the Coachella Valley.
During 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Authority suspended in-person training events and gatherings like these. As we have learned to adapt, we are excited to announce that Risk Manager Roundtables will be returning for 2021 in a new virtual format. The roundtables will take place over a webinar platform and incorporate Zoom breakout rooms for discussion and engagement. As always, they will be centered around risk management topics important to our members, topics such as the sidewalk inspection program, governmental immunities, and cyber liability.
Risk Manager Roundtables are open to all member agency staff. Once this year’s schedule is developed, the dates will be announced, and registration will be made available through
For further information regarding Risk Manager Roundtables, please contact Ryan Thomas, Training and Loss Control Specialist by email or at (562) 631-1360.
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