Issue 107 - January 2021

Join Social Media Conversations with the Authority
In order to better connect with current members and reach potential new members, the Authority has an active presence on social media. Members can find information on various topics on the social media channels listed below.
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“The Authority has a revised version of its COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan template available. The template incorporates recently adopted Cal/OSHA regulations regarding COVID-19 prevention and outbreaks, as well as elements required for a written COVID-19 Prevention Program. Members can access this document here:”
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“The Authority’s Chief Executive Officer, Jon Shull, was recently elected as the Board President of the Board of the Association of Governmental Risk Pools (AGRiP). AGRiP represents and connects pooling organizations across the country, providing education, resources, and best practices to make member organizations more effective and to advance pooling as an industry. Congratulations on your new role, Jon!”
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“The California JPIA congratulates Malibu City Manager Reva Feldman, who was one of 10 national finalists for the League of Women in Government’s 2020 Leadership Trailblazer Award. Learn more here:”
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For information on how to join these sites or participate in discussions, please contact Courtney Morrison, Management Analyst.
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