Issue 113 - July 2021

ADA Assistance Program
By Abraham Han, Management AnalystWorking toward compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can be an intimidating mission for public agencies. The Authority offers the ADA Assistance Program to members looking to take a tangible first step toward compliance. To incentivize members in this effort, the Authority provides an allowance to each participating member to help offset the cost of developing a current and complete ADA transition plan.
Disability Access Consultants (DAC), an Authority business partner, works closely with members to conduct the assessments, inspections, and data collection needed to help develop the transition plan and evaluations. Regional Risk Managers work with member agencies and DAC to tailor an effective approach towards becoming compliant with the ADA.
The ADA Assistance Program is scheduled to run through 2023, so members are strongly encouraged to plan for program participation in order to start the process toward ADA compliance and to lower their exposure to accessibility-related issues. This preparation may include a scoping call with a regional Risk Manager to determine a unique and workable plan for each member agency.
If you are interested in participating in the ADA Assistance Program or have questions about the program, please contact your regional Risk Manager or contact Abraham Han, Management Analyst.
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