Issue 116 - October 2021

Training Update
Providing multiple modes and formats of training is important, especially during these challenging times. To that end, the California JPIA training staff has developed new online and virtual classroom training courses to ensure that your agency receives necessary safety, compliance, best practice, and professional development training.
Included in this development are online safety courses that fully meet Cal/OSHA safety requirements in the same way as our classroom training. Many of these trainings are required annually, this serving as a useful way to provide necessary training to your employees. These trainings are on-demand, self-paced, and helpful when employees miss scheduled training or in situations where it might be difficult to schedule all employees to attend a live training together.
These courses include:
- Asbestos Awareness – Refresher Training
- Bloodborne Pathogens and Biohazards – Refresher Training
- Confined Space – Initial Training
- Portable Fire Extinguisher – Initial Training
- Lead Awareness – Refresher Training
- Lockout Tagout – Refresher Training
- Hearing Conservation – Refresher Training
- Heat Illness – Refresher Training
- Heat Illness for Supervisors – Refresher Training
- Safe Driving – Refresher Training
- Safe Driving of Commercial Vehicles – Refresher Training
- Shop Safety 101
- Shop Safety 102
In addition to the safety trainings listed above, the Authority has recently developed a number of additional compliance, best practice, and professional development online trainings. These include:
- Conflict Resolution
- Business Writing Essentials
- Working in a Fishbowl
- Workstation Ergonomics for Home and Office
- Managing Your Work Team Remotely
- Effective Communication
- Maximize Your Time
- Meeting Management
- Excellent Customer Service
- Rooting Out Implicit Bias
- Workplace Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors
- Workplace Harassment Prevention for Supervisors
- Workplace Harassment Prevention for Local Agency Officials
The new workplace harassment prevention trainings are handy as they do not require multiple modules to be taken to meet the full regulatory requirements for training as previous online courses.
In addition to the training listed above, the California JPIA has approximately 370 e-learnings, short take training videos, and other online content available in our catalogue on We are in development of many more online training courses and will make them available as we go forward. For additional information about the Authority’s training content or how we can help your agency with training during this challenging time, please contact Ryan Thomas, Training and Loss Control Specialist.
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