Risk Management Professionals Attend the Authority’s 2023 Academy

The California JPIA’s Risk Management Academy was held in January at the Allegretto Vineyard Resort in Paso Robles. Twenty-nine attendees from 27 member agencies took part in the two-and-a-half-day academy, which covered topics such as understanding liability claims, fleet and driver management, tools for practical risk management, and workers’ compensation. “The trust session was my personal favorite, but all of the sessions were valuable,” said Todd Mitchell from Ventura Port District.

The next Risk Management Academy will be held January 23–25, 2024, in Indian Wells. Learn more about this Academy on the event’s website page.

The Authority’s academies are multi-day training seminars which focus on a specific public sector discipline and provide attendees with opportunities to interact with their peers and share real-world challenges and successes. For questions about the Risk Management Academy and other academies, contact Michelle Aguayo, training coordinator, by email or phone at (562) 467-8777.

California JPIA