

Academies and summits are training seminars that primarily focus on a specific public sector discipline. Each program is a multi-day training that presents essential theories and techniques in order to provide pragmatic solutions to solving everyday problems. Academies and summits are designed to expand the abilities of managers, supervisors, and leaders in areas including delegating, motivating, organizing, and working under pressure. Attendees will learn how to apply these skills which will enable them to meet the daily demands of their agency while exhibiting ethical standards among employees and citizens.

All California JPIA academies are offered at no cost to Authority members. Registration also includes lodging, meals, and training materials.


September 17–19, 2024

Presents participants with unique approaches to help improve the performance, motivation, and commitment of employees

This Academy is designed for entry-level managers and supervisors.


November 5–7, 2024

Emphasizes the best practices needed to manage public works risk exposure

This Academy is geared toward public works directors, managers, and supervisors.

Registration now open!


February 11–13, 2025

Proposes strategies for programs, writing grants, ADA requirements, staffing, and providing safety for parks & aquatic centers

This Academy is designed for all parks and recreation management-level personnel.

Registration opens December 2024


March 11–13, 2025

Provides information on best practices for managing risk within public safety departments including how to assist with mitigating risk through enhanced communication with city executives and staff, elected officials and departmental staff.

This Academy is intended for law enforcement and fire personnel.

Registration opens January 2025


April 8–10, 2025

Provides the essential building blocks to develop, establish, and embed risk management as a business process within your agency

This Academy is geared toward city managers and agency chief executives.

Registration opens February 2025


April 29–May 1, 2025

Delivers essential training for human resources management and support staff and offers basic theory and practical techniques for everyday problems solving

This Academy is for human resources professionals with essential training for management and support staff.

Registration opens February 2025


August 17–19, 2025

Focuses on how to be a productive member of a governing body and how to manage the limits of local government

This Academy is designed for elected officials still within their initial two years in office.

By invitation only


January 2026

Provides the essential building blocks to develop, establish, and embed a proactive risk management process within your agency

This Academy is solely designed for those having primary risk management responsibility and that manage their agency's risk exposure.

Registration opens November 2025

California JPIA