
Trainings can be found on the Authority’s training site, myJPIA. To search for them, simply login into myJPIA and click on the Catalog or the Calendar icon at the top of the page. Here you will see all the trainings offered by the Authority.

You can register for an upcoming training in one of two ways. From our Training Catalog page on our website, simply search for the training you wish to take, and click the green Register button. This will take you directly to myJPIA. The second way you can register for a training is to login to myJPIA and search for a training using the Catalog or the Calendar. After locating the course you would like to take, click on the Register button.

Academy registration opens a few months before each Academy occurs. The opening of the request for registration process will be marked by e-mail announcements sent to all training regions. There are also Academy banners on the home pages of our website. Click on the banner and that will bring you to the academy website for more information and to request a registration.

After completing a training course, myJPIA will display your transcript page which also shows your certificate. Simply click on the certificate and it will generate a .pdf document for you. You can print or download the electronic version of the .pdf.

As a registrar you have the ability to register your Agency’s employees for trainings. You can register an individual for training in one of two ways in myJPIA. Click on the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the Classroom Training drop down. Then select Manage Events & Sessions. Here you can search for the training you want to register staff for. The second way to register multiple individuals for trainings, click on the hamburger menu. Select Admin drop down arrow. Then select the Learning Assignment tool. Click the Create Assignment button and follow the steps to create the new assignment.

To deactivate an employee at your agency from the website, select the Registrar icon in myJPIA. Then select Manage Contacts. A list of your employees will display. Select the name of the employee you would like to deactivate by clicking on the person’s name. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Active checkbox by unchecking it. The system will continue to retain records of the deactivated employee.

To add a new staff member, select the Registrar icon in myJPIA. Then select Manage Contacts. Then click on the +Add Contact button. Complete the information for the new individual and follow screen prompts.


To reset your username or password, you will need to contact your Agency’s Training Registrar or training@cjpia.org. Passwords are uniquely assigned by the system and must be reset by The Authority.


Yes! Members can send a very brief explanation of the employment matter they desire help with to epl@cjpia.org. The email will go to our Claims and Insurance Director and attorneys at Burke, Williams and Sorenson. A response is generally received within 24 hours.

In order to evaluate coverage for an actual claim, it should be reported in the usual fashion, via the California JPIA website or directly to Carl Warren via CJPIA@carlwarren.com. A Carl Warren adjuster will reply with our formal coverage opinion. As for incidents, while it is harder to evaluate coverage without an actual claim, you may inquire with our Claims and Insurance Director at pzeglovitch@cjpia.org.

Yes! Please call or email your assigned Risk Manager at the Authority or our Claims and Insurance Director and provide details regarding the incident as quickly as possible. We will respond with the resources necessary to include counsel, experts and public relations assistance.

Workers' Compensation

If an employee reports an injury or illness that occurred while working, they should be provided a claim form (DWC-1) within 24 hours of the employer’s notice.

If an injured employee is provided work restrictions, the employer must make a good faith effort to confirm whether or not work can be provided that conforms to the restrictions. A good faith effort should include documentation of whether the employee’s job at the time of injury can be modified, and also what other positions are available, if any exist, that the employee can perform. Additionally, a meeting should take place that allows the employee to interact with their employer so they can voice any concerns they have, and to allow them to provide input on issues including additional skills they have that may qualify them for other positions, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.

If you suspect an employee’s injury did not occur at work or that they are performing inappropriate activity while temporarily disabled, you should notify your assigned claims examiner at Sedgwick.


Yes, any time there is damage to property in the care, custody, or control of a member who participates in the Property Program, it should be reported.

Each claim needs to be investigated to determine whether there is coverage and, if there is, what the deductible and coverage limits are.

Most deductibles are either $2,500 (vehicles) or $10,000 (structures). But there are other deductibles, such as 5% ($100,000 minimum) for earthquake and $250,000 for vacant buildings.

Risk Management

Click on the following link to get a customized MOC or Certificate of Coverage for any program your agency participates in by logging into myJPIA, then clicking on “Risk Management.”: Access your agency’s MOC’s and Certificates of Coverage

Click the following link for a new EOC for your agency: Request New EOC

Click the following link for a recurring EOC: Request Recurring EOC

Each program has its own program summary. Click on any program to obtain the applicable summary: Coverage Programs


July 1st, penalties are accessed after 21 days.

Annual Contribution invoices will be received mid-May.

Between August and September.

April through July.

Click the following link to view the California JPIA employee compensation: California JPIA Employee Compensation Schedule

California JPIA