We believe that engagement with industry experts and other associations that support local government, organizational staff, and elected officials provides an important advantage to our member agencies. Our staff serve as leaders and participate in national and statewide risk management organizations so that we can learn from their successes and challenges to ensure that the California JPIA and its members continue to flourish.
The California JPIA is proud to support the following organizations:
Association of Governmental Risk Pools
(AGRiP) -
California Association of Joint Powers Authorities
California City Management Foundation
(CCMF) -
California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation
(CCWC) -
California Contract Cities Association
(CCCA) -
California Municipal Treasurers Association
(CMTA) -
California Society of Municipal Finance Officers
City Clerks Association of California
(CCAC) -
Council of Self-Insured Public Agencies
Institute for Local Government
(ILG) -
International City/County Management Association
(ICMA) -
Cal Cities -
Municipal Management Association of Northern California
Municipal Management Association of Southern California
The Orange County Chapter of RIMS
Orange County City Managers Association
Public Agency Risk Management Association
Public Agency Safety Management Association
Public Risk Management Association
The Risk Management Society
(RIMS) -
San Gabriel Valley City Managers’ Association