Our risk management efforts are designed to manage and reduce pool claims by providing important and beneficial programs and services for our members. The backbone of these services consists of regionally based risk managers who work closely with members to help them assess, understand, and manage their unique risks. The risk managers work to create value by being seen as an extension of the member organization and looked upon as a trusted voice in making risk management decisions; a proposition that cannot be understated. Their responsibility includes training, risk management, claims, and finance. Related activities involve, among others, developing member training plans, conducting risk management evaluations and managing the member’s participation in the Authority’s LossCAP (Loss Control Action Plan) Program, facilitating contract analysis, and consulting on complex issues of risk.
The cornerstone of our risk management initiatives is the LossCAP Program. This program uses a project management model designed to help reduce the frequency and severity of claims, and to provide an integrated approach to identifying and managing members’ risk exposures.