The Authority recently updated its Facility Use Agreement resources, creating a single resource that includes two separate agreements; one for agency buildings and property, and the other for fields and/or sports complexes. Other revisions include the following:
- Sections added to address compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and a note specific to COVID-19.
- Section added addressing agency’s reservation of right to require additional lines of insurance and listing optional insurance coverages and limits to consider based on the event.
Facility use permits are issued to individuals, groups, or businesses requesting use of an agency’s facilities for activities or events independent from the agency’s operations. All facility users must agree to indemnify and hold harmless the agency and provide evidence of insurance to financially support the indemnity agreement. These templates have been created to allow customization and to provide guidance on considerations related to facility use permits.
Members can access this resource in our online library using the keywords “facility use” or by searching in the Risk Transfer category.