The Authority provides members with access to regionally-based Risk Managers that are local and readily available to offer consulting services and technical support. Proactively helping members to prevent losses, and containing losses when they do occur, are important aspects of the Authority’s long-term strategy to minimize the cost of risk. Members consider the Authority’s Risk Managers to be a valuable extension of their own staff. Here are some examples of the kind of assistance they offer:
- Analyze contracts indemnification language and insurance requirements
- Identify, evaluate and discuss agency risk exposures
- Participate in safety committee meetings
- Attend City Council meetings as needed
- Review open claims
- Help develop loss mitigation strategies
- Help implement a customized Loss Control Action Plan (LossCAP)
- Recommend and provide customized training
- Serve as a liaison to help members access Authority resources and programs
- Proactively monitor new and emerging risks unique to each agency
Contact Your Risk Manager Now.
In addition, the Authority’s Risk Managers coordinate and manage various risk management services, as follows:
Sidewalk Inspection and Repair Services
Sidewalk-related slip-and-trips produce some of the most frequent and severe claims for the authority. Through a master services pricing agreement, members can utilize preferred pricing to inspect and repair sidewalks in areas where the general public uses them the most; including, but not limited to, downtown areas, senior centers, agency service access points, schools, and medical facilities.
Americans with Disabilities Act Assistance Program
The Authority is funding compliance assistance services, including inspection of member facilities and public rights-of-way; development of transition and barrier removal plans; review of policies, procedures and practices; and use of accessibility management software.
Risk Technician Program
The Authority assists members through assignment of a risk technician to help with more detailed risk management work at the member agency. This can include the development of policies and procedures where the Authority does not have a policy template, implementing policies and procedures, conducting inspections, providing subject matter expertise, attending safety meetings, including serving as meeting facilitator and safety expert, and conducting OSHA hazard assessments, including occupational exposures and equipment operation.
Employment Intervention
Members often face difficult and complex employment decisions when working through disciplinary and termination actions. The Authority’s employment intervention program allows peer review of the facts and circumstances, and can help guide the member in positioning itself in instances where litigation is likely. The program is not designed to supplant the member’s employment attorney, but is, instead, designed to work in concert with concurrent legal efforts.
Root Cause Analysis
The root cause program is designed to identify the underlying cause of a claim. The root cause is different than the proximate cause, with the former being the system or control that failed, which was otherwise designed to stop the claim from occurring. Knowing this information can be helpful in educating the member and helping to identify operational or other needed changes. The findings help the Authority deliver member-specific training, risk management, and organizational support that help prevent recurrence.