Issue 120 – February 2022

Join Social Media Conversations with the Authority
To better connect with current members and reach potential new members, the Authority has an active presence on social media. Members can find information on various topics on the social media channels listed below.
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“Congratulations to Santa Clarita’s Assistant City Manager Frank Oviedo! Mr. Oviedo was recognized with the 2021 John H. Nail Memorial Award from the League of California Cities. This award recognizes an outstanding municipal assistant who has contributed significantly to their city and to the advancement of the community as a whole. 👏 🎉”
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#TuesdayTip – “Did you know that if you are using the same contractor for several construction projects, you can request that the contractor obtain a ‘Designated Construction Project(s) Aggregate Limit’ endorsement? This approach could save your agency millions of dollars if there is a loss! Members: learn more in the Authority’s Contractual Risk Transfer Manual: #transfertherisk ”
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“Grab your boards and check out the @CityofLaQuinta’s new X-Park when it opens this Spring! 🛹 And if your agency is planning a skate park, or already has one, check out the skate park resources in our online library, keyword “skate:” 🤙 @tonyhawk”
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For information on joining these sites or participating in discussions, please contact Courtney Morrison, Management Analyst.
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