Issue 132 – February 2023

California JPIA Shares Insights at PARMA and Cal Cities City Managers Conferences
California JPIA staff members were again at the forefront of trends affecting local government agencies. Staff shared knowledge and best practices with industry peers at two important conferences: the 2023 League of California Cities City Managers Conference and the Public Agency Risk Management Association (PARMA) Annual Conference, The Sweet Success of Risk Management.
The League of California Cities (Cal Cities) defends and expands local government control through advocacy efforts. Cal Cities also offers education and training programs designed to teach city officials about new developments in their field and allow for the exchange of solutions to common challenges facing their cities. The Cal Cities City Managers Conference in Carlsbad, February 8–10, welcomed 500 city managers, assistant city managers, and deputy city managers from across the state who equipped themselves with essential information and updates to run their cities effectively.
In their presentation, “Small City Succession Planning: Creating a Culture of Growth,” California JPIA Chief Executive Officer Jon Shull, Imperial Beach City Manager Andy Hall, Pismo Beach City Manager Jim Lewis, and San Dimas City Manager Chris Constantin shared how they have been able to attract, grow, and retain employees within their public agencies. They discussed creating fun and nurturing environments at work that help employees develop professionally while feeling a part of a community. They also discussed the importance of creating a talent pipeline, working with the local university or junior college, and creating a robust internship program to grow employees locally.
“Both the League of California Cities City Managers Conference and the PARMA Annual Conference offer our staff an incredible opportunity to learn from and share with fellow public agency colleagues,” said Deputy Executive Officer Alex Smith. “We exchange stories about successes and challenges and then translate that information into tactical plans that help our members thrive.”
PARMA is dedicated to the professional development of all California public agency personnel responsible for risk management and promoting risk management as a critical component for public agency fiscal health. The PARMA Annual Conference in Sacramento, February 7–10, featured educational and motivational sessions, networking events, and an exhibit hall. California JPIA team members were featured in several sessions at the conference. Authority session topics encompassed a wide variety of issues, including the following presentations:
- California JPIA Workers’ Compensation Program Manager Jeff Rush, along with Safety National’s Mark Walls, presented “Out Front Ideas to Watch in 2023,” a session that highlighted risk management, healthcare, and leave of absence challenges in 2023 and how these challenges could impact public entities and their risk management programs.
- As part of a panel presentation titled “How COVID-19 Changed the World of Workers’ Compensation and Disability Accommodation,” California JPIA Employment Practices Manager Kelly Trainer Policky and Workers’ Compensation Program Manager Jeff Rush discussed the COVID-19 fallout public entity employers continue to deal with. They also addressed challenges, including emerging case law regarding workers’ compensation claims, employer burden when reasonably accommodating employees related to COVID-19 restrictions, and the discovery involved in workers’ compensation COVID-19 claims.
- California JPIA Liability Program Manager Paul Zeglovitch and Carl Warren Liability Pool Claims Manager Chris Kustra presented “Managing Employment Practices Liability Exposures – Where Do You Start?” The session discussed how to prepare and train managers, conduct pre-claim collaboration with qualified counsel, and smartly litigate employment practice liability cases.
PARMA is guided by a team of volunteer leaders, including four California JPIA staff members who are all serving various roles for the 2023–2025 season: Workers’ Compensation Program Manager Jeff Rush, who will serve as president; Liability Program Manager Paul Zeglovitch, who will serve as secretary/treasurer; Insurance Programs Manager Jim Thyden, who is a past-president and member; and Senior Risk Manager Alex Mellor, who, along with Jim, serve as members of the conference planning committee.
“California JPIA staff members care deeply about risk management and providing best-in-class services to our member agencies. Their commitment is evident in their leadership of organizations that support the professional development of public agency employees,” said Chief Executive Officer Jon Shull. “Our staff’s engagement on this level reinforces the Authority’s role as California’s preeminent municipal risk management leader.”
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