Issue 147 - May 2024

Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors
Please join the California JPIA for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
The Authority is governed by a Board of Directors and an elected nine-member Executive Committee. The Board of Directors consists of one elected official appointed by each member agency. Member cities, joint powers authorities, and special districts actively guide the Authority, ensuring that value-based decisions that benefit the entire membership are made.
The Annual Meeting will include the election of the Authority’s Vice President and four Executive Committee members, recognition of the 2024 Risk Management Award winners, and a presentation about the Authority’s strategic plan and operational overview.
The meeting will be held at the Authority’s La Palma campus. A buffet dinner will be served al fresco at 5:30 p.m., with the Board of Directors meeting immediately following. Voting delegates and up to one additional member representative are eligible to receive lodging and travel reimbursement for attending the meeting. A $100 stipend will be provided to each member agency’s voting delegate or alternate attending the meeting.
Registration for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors will open in early June. For questions or assistance, please contact Agency Clerk Veronica Ruiz.
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