Issue 132 – February 2023

Steve Croft Joins California JPIA Executive Committee
Steve Croft, mayor of the City of Lakewood, was appointed to the California JPIA’s Executive Committee on January 25, 2023, to fill the vacant seat of Darcy McNaboe. McNaboe concluded her term as mayor with the City of Grand Terrace in December 2022.
“The California JPIA is pleased to welcome Steve Croft to serve on the Executive Committee,” said Chief Executive Officer Jon Shull. “He serves as a board member for several organizations and understands the important role of a board to advise staff and look out for member interests. The Authority will benefit from his perspective.”
Croft is a retired aerospace business manager who has been married for 41 years and has one daughter. He was elected to the Lakewood City Council in March 2005 and has served the city as a councilmember, vice mayor, and mayor. He was most recently re-elected in June 2022 by the voters of District 2 in the City of Lakewood, and he is now serving his fifth term on the council. He began serving as a Lakewood Planning and Environment Commission member in 2001.
Steve chose to participate in local government because he likes that as a council member, he can impact residents’ quality of life, and he can see that impact. “If someone is having a problem, you can help fix it,” said Croft. “It’s very gratifying because I can see the impact of my decisions daily as I drive through the city.”
One of Croft’s first in-person interactions with the Authority was attending the Newly Elected Officials Academy. He was immediately impressed with the professionalism and quality of the academy. Since then, he has attended all but two Risk Management Educational Forums. “I always find the Forums to be extremely informative, covering emerging issues that our agencies may face,” said Croft.
He applauds the Authority’s mindset of working to prevent claims and the numerous training options provided. He also appreciates the help the California JPIA provides members from the beginning, from sidewalk inspections to contract reviews. “So many resources and time go into the front end of things to avoid claims in the first place. It’s something to be proud to be a part of,” said Croft.
When an opening on the Executive Committee became available, Steve knew he should pursue the opportunity. “The timing was right for me to step up and be a part of the Executive Committee,” said Croft.
Croft participates in the League of California Cities and the Gateway Cities Council of Governments. He is a representative on the Executive Board for the Los Angeles Division of the League of California Cities and a Los Angeles County Library Commissioner. Croft is a proud member of the Lakewood Lions Club and of the Friends of the Lakewood Libraries. He serves as a Lakewood Regional Medical Center and Pathways Volunteer Hospice board member.
The California JPIA Executive Committee comprises nine members elected by the Board of Directors to provide day-to-day policy direction to the Authority’s staff. The committee meets monthly to consider policies related to the California JPIA’s many programs and services. In addition, the Executive Committee also carries out ex-officio responsibility for Claims, Budget, Bylaws, and Personnel committees. Learn more about each member on the Authority’s Executive Committee webpage.
Congratulations, Steve, and welcome to the Executive Committee!
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