Issue 120 – February 2022

New and Updated Resources
Periodically, we will report on updates to our resource library, including updates to existing and newly developed resources. For this edition, we are pleased to share with you the following:
Resource Spotlight: Contractual Risk Transfer Manual
The Contractual Risk Transfer Manual is provided exclusively for use by the Authority’s member agencies. The Authority designed this manual for agency staff responsible for drafting agreement specifications. It includes reference material on contractual risk transfer, including indemnification and insurance specifications guidelines, and risk allocation and financing techniques. Although this manual provides considerable information on contractual risk transfer, it should not be construed as legal advice.
Updates to the manual include new content and revisions to existing content. New content consists of a limitation of liability discussion; sample design professional indemnity language; builder’s risk and installation floater explanations and transportation pollution and pollution liability insurance to the construction agreement; risk transfer topics of controlled insurance programs, livestock and equestrian liability, railroads, unmanned aerial systems, dial-a-ride, AB 5, and AB 2257 – independent contractors; and Live Scan under frequently asked questions.
Revisions include updates under other provisions and requirements to proof of insurance, duration of coverage, notice of cancellation, additional insured status, pass-through clause, and self-insured retention; umbrella or excess liability insurance; waivers of subrogation; separation of permits and facility use agreements; instructor agreement changed to independent contractor with additional requirements; public agencies agreements; cyber liability; environmental issues; bonds; participant waiver and release discussion and participant waiver; exemption from workers’ compensation form; and modifications to the coverage analysis matrix.
New Resource
The Agreement for Tree Maintenance Services template for agencies that contract with a third-party service provider for tree maintenance services is a new resource available to members. The template sets forth terms and conditions and an extensive scope of services exhibit to assist the member with determining the types of services to be provided.
Resource Update
Tree Inspection Guidelines are available to assist with mitigating liability exposure associated with trees and to provide for the care and protection of trees to maximize their benefits. The guidelines were established to assist with maintaining and inspecting public trees and supporting tree preservation efforts in construction and development areas.
These resources can be accessed and downloaded in the Library section of the Authority’s website, Resources available in Word format are for members to customize to agency-specific policies and procedures.
If you have any questions, please contact your regional risk manager.
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