Issue 120 – February 2022

Electronic Resource Update – Report A Claim
By Carl Sandstrom, Business Projects ManagerOn Monday, January 24, the Authority relaunched our Report A Claim solution. The new Report A Claim is hosted in our risk management information system platform, Ventiv IRM. Member employees with access to the Report A Claim solution will find fillable forms for three general areas of claim reporting: third-party liability, property, and other claims. The Report A Claim button is found on as part of the lower menu ribbon.
Third-party liability claims concern employment liability and bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage to a third party resulting from a member activity — including automobile liability and liability due to contractors or vendors hired by the member. Property claims concern first-party property, earthquake, mechanical breakdown of machinery, and first-party vehicle physical damage, meaning property owned by or in the member’s care, custody, or control. Other claims concern first- and third-party claims from the following programs: pollution, crime, cyber, special event, vendors/contractors, and foreign travel.
When successfully submitted, the forms are emailed to the Authority’s third-party administrators to begin the claim administration process, and an acknowledgment email is sent to the submitting member employee. Carl Warren and Sedgwick are the Authority’s third-party claims administrators for liability and property and other claims, respectively. All property and other claim submittals are also sent to the Authority’s liability and insured programs managers for review to ensure claims are appropriately matched to the corresponding coverage.
Workers’ compensation claims are supported through a button on our website that links the user directly to the Sedgwick intake system. Sedgwick is the Authority’s third-party administrator of workers’ compensation claims.
Contact your regional risk manager for questions about reporting claims or for more information on the new Report a Claim system.
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