Issue 130 – December 2022

Resources Update
The Authority reports about additions and revisions to the resource library each quarter, including newly developed and updated existing resources. Following are some updates for this quarter.
Hot Work Procedures and Permits
Hot work is a temporary operation involving an open flame or that produces heat, sparks, or hot slag. The purpose of these procedures is to protect persons from injury, to protect property from damage by fire resulting from flame, spark, or other ignition sources, and to provide general requirements for hot work procedures and permits.
Ergonomics Program
This program provides guidance for minimizing the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. An ergonomics program is a collaborative effort that includes employees at all levels throughout the organization and is a part of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP).
Policy Prohibiting Workplace Violence and Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
These templates set forth a sample policy prohibiting workplace violence with a separate plan addressing workplace violence prevention. Cal/OSHA requires the workplace violence prevention plan to be in writing and always available to employees and authorized employee representatives. The written plan may be incorporated into an agency’s written IIPP or maintained as a separate document. Members should confirm that the policy is consistent with the plan.
Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy
The purpose of this policy template is to promote and maintain safe and efficient working conditions free of drugs and alcohol and to discourage substance abuse by employees. A supplemental resource discussing legal concerns surrounding drug and alcohol testing in the public sector is Drug and Alcohol Testing by Public Sector Employers.
Vehicle Use Policy and Documents
The Vehicle Use Policy establishes procedures for using agency-owned and privately-owned vehicles while on agency business. Vehicle Use Documents include files that should be kept within agency vehicles and used as needed.
Earthquake Preparation
The purpose of this resource is to outline earthquake preparation and procedures to be followed in the event of an earthquake.
Dog Park Guidelines
This resource provides guidelines associated with the design, construction, and operation of dog parks, including a maintenance checklist in a fillable format.
Resources can be accessed and downloaded via the online “library” in the “resources” section of the Authority’s website. Resources are available in Microsoft Word for members to customize for agency-specific purposes.
If you have questions, please contact your regional risk manager.
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