Issue 155 - January 2025
February Workers’ Compensation Webinar—Effective Utilization of Case Management Services
The California JPIA will host its first Workers’ Compensation Webinar of 2025 on Thursday, February 13, at 10:00 a.m. Attendees will learn tips to assist them in successfully managing their agency’s workers’ compensation program for 2025. Attendees will also hear about the Authority’s partnership with ISYS Case Management Solutions and how their field nurse case managers assist employees recovering from complex injuries.
Angie Jung is a co-founder of ISYS Case Management Solutions, and she has more than 30 years of experience in workers’ compensation case management. She is also the current president of the Case Management Society of America Southern California Chapter. Her presentation will touch on ISYS nurses’ skillset and ability to assist employees recovering from catastrophic injuries.
We look forward to having you join us on February 13. Register here for the webinar. A recording will be available on the Authority’s website for those unavailable to attend the live webinar. For any questions, please contact Jeff Rush, workers’ compensation program manager.
Print ArticleHow AI Shapes Local Government
There is no question that artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay, with innovative uses seemingly popping up every day. Those in the workplace have mainly been interested in how it can simplify systems and ease employees’ workload. The California JPIA recognizes the critical role workplace efficiency plays in organizational success and recognizes the potential of AI as a powerful tool to enhance it. At the 2024 California JPIA Risk Management Educational Forum, the CEO and founder of Reinvention Lab, Dan Chuparkoff, discussed the power of AI and how it can be helpful to local government employees.
“AI is going to be more important for mankind than fire,” said Chuparkoff as he opened his presentation. “Like fire, AI will be a little hard to handle at first.”
AI offers limitless opportunities, but staff should understand the tool before diving in. Chuparkoff outlined his knowledge of AI in the twelve lessons below.
- AI is a driver for innovation: Every new technology discovered goes through a “hype cycle” where it reaches a peak of interest, drops due to disillusionment, and plateaus once deemed productive or not. AI is currently peaking, making it an excellent time to dive in and discover its potential.
- People don’t say robot: Humankind tends to put a name to robots, like ATMs and coffeemakers. Despite the names attached to it, AI is still a robot. We must use its tools with caution as it may not be able to fully comprehend information.
- The types of AI: There are two types of AI: recognition algorithms and generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs).
- Recognition-based AI reviews inputted data and categorizes it. For example, a bag scanner at an airport Transportation Security Administration booth scans items and recognizes whether they are good or bad.
- GPTs base their results on the largest consensus. The word prediction feature in smartphone messages takes partially finished text and suggests what most people use as the next word.
- Sometimes, the “best” answer isn’t a very good one: AI receives its information from the Internet, which is littered with misinformation. When asking AI for assistance, ensure its output is accurate.
- Trillions of examples of content dramatically made AI more useful: In 2017, ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot, learned from 50 million examples of content across the internet. Today, the tool has learned 13 trillion examples of content, making it an extremely robust source of information.
- AI is the new way we process data: These generative tools, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Llama, are increasingly being used. They can provide expanded information on a topic or help take detailed notes during a meeting.
- Recognition followed by recommendation: A common misconception is that generative AI is a search engine, but its purpose is to generate text. AI is best used to review information and make recommendations.
- AI is an assistant, not a replacement: While AI is helpful, its output should still be reviewed. AI is not meant to replace an employee but to aid them.
- Six real things that AI can help with today: AI’s algorithms can be used to write better stories, answer questions quickly, write stronger messages, make software faster, make customized images, or speak other languages.
- People are here to manage the chaos: Expertise development follows this system: process, communicate, investigate, solve, discover, and imagine. The last three steps require human intervention and can result in chaos if handed to AI.
- AI will democratize access to information: Tools like those that can translate media into many languages can make information more accessible to the world. Consider how AI can be utilized to expand reach.
- Solve, discover, and imagine: AI can make the expertise development system more efficient. By utilizing AI to assist with the processing, communicating, and investigating phases, the solve, discover, and imagine phases can be explored in greater depth.
California JPIA Team Embraces the Spirit of Giving
The holidays offer a special opportunity to make a difference, bringing joy to others and fostering community connections. This past December, California JPIA staff once again embodied the spirit of giving. With leadership from Management Analyst Courtney Morrison and Administrative Analyst Edith Aviña, employees hosted two meaningful service initiatives. The first was a food drive benefiting the Orangewood Foundation, dedicated to helping foster youth in Orange County. The second initiative was a gift drive for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services’ Adopt-A-Family Program, which supports low-income families during the holiday season.
Through their sponsorship of the Adopt-A-Family Program, Authority employees were matched with three families for whom they fulfilled holiday wish lists including clothing, toys, and gift cards. The families appreciated the help they received from the Authority, sometimes sharing notes of thanks. One family expressed, “This year was difficult for us financially, and we weren’t sure if we were going to be able to get presents for the kids. But thanks to your donations, my kids will have presents to open this Christmas.”
“Being part of the Adopt-A-Family Program gave us a chance to make the holidays brighter for families who really needed it,” said Aviña. “We adopted three families this year, and it was so rewarding to know we were helping people who were going through a tough time.”
The Orangewood Foundation, based in Santa Ana, provides personal care supplies, groceries, transitional housing, life skills workshops, and employment opportunities for almost 2,000 local young people annually. The California JPIA collected nourishing, non-perishable food items such as soup and pasta to fill a holiday table for community members served by the Foundation.
“We look forward to participating in a winter service project each year,” said Morrison. “Partnering with the Orangewood Foundation with a food drive gives Authority staff the opportunity to support our community and come together as a team to make a difference for those in need.”
For more information about the Orangewood Foundation, please visit To learn more about the Adopt-A-Family Program, please visit
OSHA Form 300A Posting Requirement
By Tim Karcz, Senior Risk ManagerTitle 8 of the California Code of Regulations requires employers with a minimum of 11 employees to maintain a log and summary of occupational injuries and illnesses. Cal/OSHA Form 300 is provided by Cal/OSHA to log and classify work-related injuries and illnesses and note each case’s extent and severity. The summary form, Cal/OSHA Form 300A, shows the totals for the year in each category and is required to be posted between February 1 and April 30, 2025. Form 300A summarizes the total number of job-related injuries and illnesses that occurred in 2024 and were logged on Cal/OSHA Form 300. The form must be posted where employee notices are usually found and must not be altered, defaced, or obscured during the posting period. A copy of Form 300A must also be available to employees who do not regularly report to any fixed establishment. At the end of the three-month posting period, Form 300A should be kept on file for five years. If any newly discovered, recordable incidents or changes in classification are noted, the log should be updated.
Employers must record any new work-related injury or illness if it results in days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, significant injury or illness as diagnosed by a physician or other licensed healthcare professional, or death. Employers must record any incidents that aggravate a prior injury. Employers are also required to log COVID-19-related illnesses on the form. Cal/OSHA has published a Brief Guide to Recordkeeping Requirements.
OSHA has strict requirements for protecting the privacy of injured and ill employees. An employer shall not record the employee’s name on the OSHA 300 log for certain “privacy concern cases.” Instead, “Privacy Case” shall be entered in the space reserved for the employee’s name. OSHA defines a privacy concern case as an injury or illness to an intimate body part or the reproductive system; an injury or illness resulting from a sexual assault; mental illnesses; HIV infection, hepatitis, or tuberculosis; needle stick injuries and cuts from sharp objects that are contaminated with another person’s blood or other potentially infectious material; and other illnesses if the employee voluntarily requests that their name not be entered on the log. The Authority recommends that all cases reference “Privacy Case” in the employee’s name fields, not just in privacy concern cases defined by OSHA.
Members participating in the Authority’s Workers’ Compensation Program will receive an email from Athens, including a partially completed Form 300A with instructions for completing and posting the form. Members should follow the instructions and post a copy of the completed form by February 1, 2025. Forms 300 and 300A can also be obtained from the Cal/OSHA website.
For more information, please contact your assigned regional risk manager.
Print ArticlePRO: FILES
California JPIA Welcomes New Insurance Programs Manager Chris Gray
The California JPIA is excited to welcome Chris Gray as its new insurance programs manager. Gray brings nearly two decades of industry experience and deep familiarity with the Authority’s operations to his new role.
“Chris’ extensive experience with our programs makes him an excellent addition to our team,” said Chief Executive Officer Alex Smith. “His understanding of our services and first-hand knowledge of member needs have enabled him to hit the ground running.”
After graduating from UC Santa Barbara in 2005, Gray began his career in insurance, eventually transitioning to a role at Alliant Insurance Services in 2013. While at Alliant, Gray worked closely with the California JPIA’s property, pollution, and crime programs, becoming well acquainted with the Authority’s coverage structure and member services.
“After working with the California JPIA for the past nine years, transitioning to their team felt like a great fit,” said Gray. “My familiarity with the Authority’s coverages, members, staff, and brokerage teams provides a strong foundation for the role.”
Gray was drawn to a career in insurance by its fundamental purpose: providing support during challenging times. “The stress related to claims or covered events can be very challenging,” he said. “Being able to provide assistance during tough times is particularly rewarding.”
Gray brings an ample skill set to his new role, including extensive policy knowledge and attention to detail. Additionally, his 20 years of insurance experience have given him insights into coverage nuances and industry dynamics.
Alongside a comprehensive industry background, Gray remains committed to staying current on the developments that will help best serve Authority members. “The insurance landscape is constantly evolving,” he said. “By closely monitoring insurance marketplace news and maintaining strong relationships with brokerage teams, I can help tailor the Authority’s coverage to meet members’ needs and exposures.”
His forward-thinking approach to anticipating market trends and member service aligns perfectly with the California JPIA’s mission to provide innovative risk management solutions and exceed member expectations while doing so.
Welcome to the Authority, Chris!
Print ArticleCalifornia JPIA Promotes Ryan Thomas to Training Manager
The California JPIA is pleased to announce the promotion of Ryan Thomas from Senior Training Specialist to Training Manager. Throughout his tenure at the Authority, Thomas has demonstrated excellence in curriculum development, virtual learning leadership, and member support.
“When Ryan joined the Authority, he brought municipal experience and an understanding of our members’ needs to his role,” said Chief Executive Officer Alex Smith. “He is committed to expanding our training offerings and embracing new technologies. Ryan’s promotion to Training Manager will strengthen and improve member services, especially as it relates to developing new training content.”
After earning his B.A. in political science and M.A. in public administration from California State University, Long Beach, Thomas began his career at the City of Bellflower’s front desk. He then spent five years as a management analyst for the City of Paramount, where he collaborated with Authority staff on worker’s compensation cases. He then transitioned to the City of Costa Mesa, where he served as a principal human resources analyst for 10 years before taking on a role at the California JPIA in January 2016.
“My experience at a couple of member municipalities gave me a deep understanding of their challenges and risk exposures,” said Thomas. “I always appreciated the Authority’s resources, particularly our training programs, which not only ensure regulatory compliance but also keep employees safe and inspire confidence in their daily jobs.”
In his new role, Thomas will oversee the Authority’s training program, including its online learning management system (LMS), academies, and live classroom training as well as instructor management. He will also provide direction to the training staff during a period of growth and technological advancement for the Authority.
Since joining the Authority in 2016, Thomas has made significant contributions to the organization’s training program. He developed the Supervisor Essential Skills series, developed the Risk Management Practitioner series in partnership with CPS HR Consulting and Norm Pederson, developed the Authority’s online e-learning catalog, and established three new academies: the Elected Official Summit, Executive Summit, and Public Safety Academy.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted Thomas’ adaptability and technological skills. He quickly mastered virtual platforms like Zoom and ON24, helping the Authority maintain its high standard of member service. His adoption of broadcast technology and virtual learning solutions continues to enhance the team’s digital capabilities and resources.
“We are truly fortunate at the Authority to have an amazing staff comprised of really bright, talented, and experienced risk managers, program managers, directors, and supporting staff,” said Thomas. “We have no islands at the Authority, we are incredibly interconnected and helpful to one another. By understanding what challenges members are experiencing and keeping our eyes on the legislative cycle, regulatory updates, and industry trends, we’re able to keep our fingers on the pulse of member needs. Our proactive approach is baked into our Authority DNA.”
As training manager, Thomas aims to continue providing outstanding training while expanding the Authority’s streaming and online content, adding value and new resources for the membership. His collaborative approach and member-focused mindset position him well to guide the Authority into the future, building upon the work of past teammates. “I appreciate both Joe Eynon, our recently retired training manager, and Carl Sandstrom, our recently retired business projects manager,” said Thomas. “They both had a tremendous impact on my career development, particularly as it comes to working with our Learning Management System and other Authority technology.”
Congratulations, Ryan, on your well-deserved promotion!
Print ArticleCalifornia JPIA Staff Members Receive Service Awards
The California JPIA congratulates three staff members who celebrated milestone anniversaries in 2024: Administrative Assistant Denise Covell, and Management Analyst Courtney Morrison, each with 10 years of service, and Chief Executive Officer Alex Smith with 15 years of service.
“The Authority is dedicated to cultivating a workplace where every team member feels valued,” said Chief Administrative Officer Nikki Salas. “We take pride in celebrating our colleagues’ contributions to our members’ success. This commitment is reflected in the strength of our organizational culture.”
Covell assists with projects for the Authority’s training team, including scheduling, planning, customer service, and training academies. Covell also assists with the event planning and execution for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors and the Risk Management Educational Forum. Morrison is a member of the communications team, where she works on a variety of member-facing projects including the Authority’s website, social media, and coordinating logistics for the Annual Risk Management Educational Forum.
The California JPIA’s Executive Committee recognized Covell, Morrison, and Smith with special service awards during its December 11, 2024, meeting.
“The Executive Committee and Board of Directors appreciate the dedication and commitment of Authority employees,” said Executive Committee President Margaret Finlay. “Their expertise and experience are key to maintaining our leadership in the industry. Congratulations to all on a job well done.”
Congratulations, Denise, Courtney, and Alex, and thank you for your continued hard work!
Public Law Update – New Rules for Remote Participation in Local Legislative Meetings (AB 2302)
By Justin A. Tamayo, Associate; Atkinson, Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP
Originally published on December 17, 2024. Republished with permission from Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP.
Assembly Bill 2302 (2024) (“AB 2302”) revises rules for when members of local legislative bodies may participate in meetings remotely. Specifically, it amends the number of meetings that may be attended remotely for just cause and under emergency circumstances and clarifies the definition of the term “meeting,” for purposes of remote attendance.
- AB 2302 caps the number of remote meetings a member can attend each year based on the frequency of a legislative body’s meetings:
- Two meetings per year for bodies that meet monthly or less.
- Five meetings per year for those meeting twice a month.
- Seven meetings per year for bodies meeting three or more times per month.
- For purposes of AB 2302’s cap, multiple sessions occurring on the same calendar day (e.g., open and closed sessions) count as one meeting.
AB 2302 applies to the total number of meetings a member may attend remotely for both just cause and emergency circumstances. The Bill does not make any changes to the terms “just cause” or “emergency circumstances,” or otherwise affect traditional teleconferencing standards. Under existing law, these terms include a physical or family medical emergency that prevents a member from attending in person, a contagious illness that prevents in-person attendance, and travel while on official business.
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP regularly advises clients on legal matters relating to the Brown Act.
All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only to permit you to learn more about our firm, our services and the experience of our attorneys. The information presented is not legal advice, is not to be acted on as such, may not be current and is subject to change without notice.
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